Risk & Insurance Symposium Update
- 8/4/2022 7:30 am
2022 Risk & Insurance Symposium Update
The 2022 Risk & Insurance Symposium is only a few weeks away and is gearing up to be one of the best yet! This year’s Symposium is being held on August 24th - 26th at the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs in Franklin, Tennessee.
With the introduction of the event app, Whova, we will be able to increase our interaction with attendees. The app will be available for downloading by attendees in order to view presentations, network with speakers and scan into sessions right from your smartphone. All registrants will receive the download information prior to the event.
If you’re looking to maximize your continuing education hours for CMFO credit, we have seven sessions that will be eligible, for a total of 10 CMFO hours that can be earned. These include TN Drug Free Workplace, Surviving Being Backstage at Las Vegas Route 91 Shooting – Lessons Learned, Predicting Problem Employees and multiple cyber security sessions, as well as open records and more.
We are particularly excited about hearing Chief Patrick Kenny present his session, “Taking the Cape Off.” Chief Kenny was a member of the fire service for more than 38 years and served as a fire chief in Illinois prior to his 2021 retirement. His best-selling, award-winning book, “Taking the Cape Off: How to Lead Through Mental Illness, Unimaginable Grief and Loss,” addresses his very personal experience with mental illness. He will share his story and put forth a call to action to stand up and face these challenges head-on by examining the myths and stigmas associated with them. In addition, he will share leadership mental health strategies and tactics, and discuss the complications that can arise in your work, family or personal life.
For more information or to register for this year’s Risk and Insurance Symposium, CLICK HERE. if you have any questions, please contact Heather Hughes, HHughes@PEpartners.org, or call 615-371-0049.
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Risk & Insurance Symposium
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- Annual Report (5)
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- Claims (25)
- Cyber Extension (4)
- Cyber Security (27)
- Dividend (6)
- EHS Hero & HR Hero (14)
- Employment Practices Liability (26)
- Excellence In Risk Management Awards (17)
- Fireworks (1)
- First Responders (9)
- GatherGuard (1)
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- Law Enforcement (16)
- Local Government Risk Academy (4)
- Loss Control (96)
- Member Services (9)
- Message From the President (17)
- MTAS (10)
- Municipal Sewer System (4)
- Partnering for Success Webinar Series (23)
- PEP Staff (29)
- Qualified Immunity (3)
- Risk & Insurance Symposium (33)
- Safety Program (56)
- Scholarships (15)
- Social Media (2)
- Training (66)
- Underwriting (30)
- Workers' Compensation (27)