Financial strength is more than words. It is underwriting each risk with integrity to make certain we are fairly and consistently pricing each policy to ensure we have adequate reserves to pay for each claim, both current and future. It is also ensuring we accurately reserve and pay claims for members and claimants.


Public Entity Partners utilizes recognized public entity experts, including independent actuaries, auditors and reinsurance professionals to ensure we are financially sound and implementing policies that serve to protect our members.


As a not-for-profit corporation formed pursuant to State of Tennessee statutes, we are subject to regulation and oversight by both the Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury and the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance. As a public entity risk pool, we have always taken financial transparency and accountability to our membership and to the public very seriously.


Financial Audit - 2024


Financial Audit - 2023


Financial Audit - 2022


Financial Audit - 2021


Financial Audit - 2020


Financial Audit - 2019


Financial Audit - 2018


Financial Audit - 2017


Financial Audit - 2016


Financial Audit - 2015


Financial Audit - 2014


Financial Audit - 2013


Financial Audit - 2012


Financial Audit - 2011





Financial Audit