Loss Control

TnPRIMA Scholarships Assist Training Members

11/10/2022 12:50 pm

The best loss is the loss that never happens. Proper training is a key step in preventing losses from occurring.


Partnering for Success Webinars Continue

11/10/2022 12:40 pm

Public Entity Partners’ annual Partnering for Success Webinar Series is designed to increase knowledge of current risk management exposures and provide helpful information on topics that are important for public entities. These webinars are free for PE Partners members.


Winter Weather Hazards

11/10/2022 12:35 pm

If your job responsibilities include snow and ice removal during the winter months, you could face a variety of safety and health hazards.


Property Conservation Grant Applications Available

10/6/2022 5:30 am

As stewards of public tax dollars, our members are tasked with protecting and preserving public facilities. While property coverage can protect you in the event of a loss, taking steps to reduce the severity or frequency of a property loss is sound risk management. The Property Conservation Grant provides funding for the purchase of property loss prevention and control items.


2022-2023 Partnering for Success Webinar Series

10/6/2022 5:25 am

Public Entity Partners continues its 2022-2023 Partnering for Success Webinar Series next month. This series is designed to increase your knowledge of current risk management exposures and provide helpful information on topics that are important for public entities.


PEP Welcomes Sarah Curtis

9/7/2022 12:55 pm

Sarah Curtis has joined PE Partners as a loss control training consultant. She brings a decade of experience in instructional design and training while working with local governments through the Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS) training program.


Dealing with Media - Part One

8/4/2022 7:30 am

As with any kind of risk management, the better prepared you are in advance of an event, the better the outcome for all involved. This principle is especially true when dealing with inquiries from the media.


Risk & Insurance Symposium Update

8/4/2022 7:30 am

The 2022 Risk & Insurance Symposium is only a few weeks away and is gearing up to be one of the best yet! This year’s Symposium is being held on August 24th - 26th at the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs in Franklin, Tennessee.


Trench-Related Fatalities on the Rise

By  Bob Lynch | 8/4/2022 7:30 am

OSHA recently reported a significant increase in U.S. trench-related fatalities in the first six months of 2022. During this time period, 22 workers were killed, while 15 fatalities occurred in all of 2021.


2022 Risk & Insurance Symposium

7/7/2022 7:00 am

We hope that everyone is as excited as we are for the 2022 Risk and Insurance Symposium! This year, we are rolling out numerous new sessions, features and activities.