Emotional Wellness in the Workplace
- 12/5/2024 10:00 am

The stigma attached to mental health plays a pivotal role in negative mental health outcomes, alongside limited access to services and misconceptions about the nature and effectiveness of mental health treatment.
Numerous employees in public entities encounter trauma due to their work-related experiences. This may encompass secondary trauma, which refers to the emotional strain individuals undergo when exposed to firsthand traumatic incidents recounted by others. Furthermore, the impact of stress and trauma can be greatly magnified when employees lack mental health support from their employers.
Failure to cultivate a workplace culture that advocates for mental health can subject employers to legal risks, including claims of workplace violence or failure to provide a safe working environment under employment laws and regulations. This emphasizes the importance of cultivating a workplace culture that promotes mental health.
Providing social and emotional health resources or strengthening your entity’s current offerings can bring about meaningful changes. Prioritizing mental health in the workplace is essential for promoting a healthier, happier and more productive workforce.
It’s not just about complying with regulations; it’s about creating a workplace culture that values and supports employees’ mental well-being. Addressing the stigma of mental health in the workplace requires a multifaceted approach that involves raising awareness, implementing supportive policies and practices, and fostering a culture of acceptance and inclusion.
Municipalities should actively promote the utilization of their Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs). EAPs play a critical role in supporting employee well-being by offering confidential counseling and assistance for various personal and work-related challenges. By investing in EAPs and encouraging their utilization, municipal leaders can create healthier, happier and more productive workplaces for the benefit of their employees and the community as a whole.
The stigma attached to mental health, alongside the challenge of recognizing mental health issues, hinders individuals from seeking the necessary mental health services. Municipal leaders have the potential to be proactive in preventing mental health crises by providing social and emotional support and education to their employees.
Adopting easy-to-implement best practices, such as promoting the utilization of EAPs and focusing on the education of social and emotional learning, is particularly vital for the well-being of employees to minimize the risks of untreated mental health conditions.
Public Entity Partners provides valuable mental health resources and training through HR Hero and SafetySkills. By searching “mental health” in HR Hero, you can access nearly 40 resources focused on mental wellness and strategies for coping with stress, fear and burnout. In addition, SafetySkills offers a course titled “Mental Health Awareness in the Workplace.”
To sign up for HR Hero, please contact your Member Services representative or Amber Turner at ATurner@PEpartners.org.
To sign up for SafetySkills, please contact Sarah Curtis at SCurtis@PEpartners.org.
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