2022 Member Workshops Virtual

  • 5/6/2022 11:00 am

Our member services and underwriting teams are here to answer questions you may have about the renewal application process.  Each year, Public Entity Partners collects exposure information through renewal applications so that we can underwrite your liability, workers' compensation, and property policies. 

From the number of police officers, vehicle values, types of services you provide to the public, or facility locations, there is an extensive amount of information that is collected each year. Providing accurate and through information ensures that you have the right coverage in place. In this training video, our member services and underwriting team will share common areas of concern and answer some of the most frequently asked questions.

To view the video, you will need a login through Local Gov Risk Academy, the online training platform offered to each member of Public Entity Partners. Search the course catalog for "Member Workshops 2022".  If you do not have a login or need assistance, please reach out to our member services team.