Tennessee Sports Concussion Law

  • Author | Chester Darden
  • 4/12/2021 8:00 am

With spring and summer sports underway, now is the time for a refresher on the Tennessee Sports Concussion Law. If your organization sponsors youth athletic activities, you should familiarize yourself with the Tennessee Sports Concussion Law and the requirements under that law. These requirements include annual training and how to respond when a youth athlete appears to have suffered a concussion during a game or at practice.


Concussion recognition and head injury safety education training approved by the Tennessee Department of Health must be completed on a yearly basis by athletic directors and all coaches, including volunteer coaches. All youth athletes and each athlete’s parent or guardian must review, sign and return a concussion and head injury information sheet before practice or competition begins. The Tennessee Sports Concussion Law requires documentation to be maintained for three (3) years.


Visit TN Sports Concussion Law to learn more. Resources include:

·       Sample Policy

·       Parent Athlete Signature Form

·       Coach Signature Form

·       Concussion Checklist

·       CDC Heads Up App

·       Return to Learn/ Return to Play: Concussion Management Guidelines

·       Training Resources


If your entity has sports facilities that are utilized by other organizations providing youth athletics, you should require in your agreements that those organizations follow the Tennessee Sports Concussion Law.