Message From the President - April 2020
- 4/30/2020 4:00 pm
Message from the President - April 2020
Our commitment to local governments during the COVID-19 crisis
The month of April has brought challenges our state and nation have not faced in recent history. As we shared last month, Public Entity Partners is proud to stand with our members as they provide critical essential services to Tennessee’s citizens. We have gathered resources that are aimed at assisting members as they navigate this uncertain time. In addition to focusing on the COVID-19 response, we continue to push forward with fulfilling our mission to our membership.
The mission of Public Entity Partners is to passionately provide the very best
in risk management products and services, expert claims administration
and comprehensive insurance options with absolute integrity.
Throughout this time, Public Entity Partners continues to look for ways to ensure we are responsive to our members’ needs. We recognize the impact that the pandemic is going to have on local government revenues and we are committed to working with our members.
Because of this impact, any member needing special consideration on invoices that are due is encouraged to reach out to our finance department or your underwriter. If your organization would like to switch your premium payment to installments, installment fees will be waived for the period of 4/1/2020 through 3/31/2021.
As our state begins to return to our new normal in the coming weeks, opportunities to gather will be a welcome change. In this newsletter, you will find information about our 5th Annual Risk & Insurance Symposium. Our hope is that you will be inspired by the symposium sessions that are slated to be offered. If you have not attended our previous symposiums, this annual event is a three-day educational and networking opportunity that aims to help participants refocus their safety efforts and learn about emerging risk management issues. Each year, we are privileged to bring national and state risk management leaders to this event to share their insights with our members. Please mark your calendars now!
Much attention has been focused over the past six weeks on local governments’ response to COVID-19, but there are numerous other vital services that are provided as you continue to serve your communities. While many citizens have been driving less over the past several weeks, driver safety is still an important factor in the delivery of essential services from our local governments. Please take a few moments to refresh yourself on this crucial component in your entity’s safety program.
Stay safe,
Charles DeMore
President / CEO
Annual Report
Audit Requests
Board of Directors
Cyber Extension
Cyber Security
EHS Hero & HR Hero
Employment Practices Liability
Excellence In Risk Management Awards
First Responders
Law Enforcement
Local Government Risk Academy
Loss Control
Member Services
Message From the President
Municipal Sewer System
Partnering for Success Webinar Series
PEP Staff
Qualified Immunity
Risk & Insurance Symposium
Safety Program
Social Media
Workers' Compensation
- Annual Report (5)
- Audit Requests (2)
- Board of Directors (12)
- Claims (26)
- Cyber Extension (4)
- Cyber Security (27)
- Dividend (6)
- EHS Hero & HR Hero (15)
- Employment Practices Liability (26)
- Excellence In Risk Management Awards (17)
- Fireworks (1)
- First Responders (9)
- Grants (18)
- Law Enforcement (16)
- Local Government Risk Academy (4)
- Loss Control (97)
- Member Services (10)
- Message From the President (17)
- MTAS (10)
- Municipal Sewer System (4)
- Partnering for Success Webinar Series (25)
- PEP Staff (30)
- Qualified Immunity (3)
- Risk & Insurance Symposium (33)
- Safety Program (56)
- Scholarships (15)
- Social Media (2)
- Training (69)
- Underwriting (31)
- Workers' Compensation (27)