News & Information

PEP Would Like Photos of Your Entity

10/5/2023 6:00 am

Public Entity Partners’ Annual Report allows members and stakeholders to monitor the fiscal strength, programs and initiatives that PEP manages. This report includes information about our interaction with all of our members throughout Tennessee.


Gatlinburg Fire Highlights Mutual Aid

9/14/2023 7:30 am

On Nov. 28, 2016, a small fire in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park quickly created an out-of-control wildfire emergency for Gatlinburg. The community desperately needed assistance and many Public Entity Partners members answered this call.


Partnering for Success Webinar - October 11

9/14/2023 7:25 am

In October's webinar, Tackling Personnel Policies, John Grubbs, HR Consultant for MTAS, will address the challenges presented and the things municipalities should consider when tackling their personnel policies.


PEP Honors Lifetime Achievement

By  Carly Salah | 9/14/2023 7:15 am

Public Entity Partners honored several individuals with two new awards for a lifetime of achievement and excellence in service to the cities, towns, local agencies and taxpayers of Tennessee.


Risk & Insurance Symposium

9/14/2023 7:10 am

Seven years ago, Public Entity Partners held our first Risk & Insurance Symposium. This event serves to educate and recognize our members, and provide opportunities for them to network with each other.


Property Conservation Grant

9/14/2023 7:00 am

Public Entity Partners members know that, as stewards of public tax dollars, you are tasked with protecting and preserving public facilities. To help members in this endeavor, PEP offers the Property Conservation Grant.


Excellence in Risk Management Awards

By  Carly Salah | 9/12/2023 7:20 am

One of the highlights of every Symposium is the Excellence in Risk Management Awards Luncheon, when we gather to acknowledge individuals, departments, cities and towns, and recognize their invaluable contributions to risk management and the far-reaching impacts they have on their communities.


Property Conservation Grant Launching August 31

8/3/2023 6:40 am

Public Entity Partners members know that as stewards of public tax dollars, you are tasked with protecting and preserving public facilities. To help members in this endeavor, PEP offers the Property Conservation Grant.


Workers' Compensation Audits

By  Halie Gallik | 8/3/2023 6:35 am

At the conclusion of each policy period, Public Entity Partners conducts an annual Workers’ Compensation Audit of members’ annual payrolls for the expiring policy period. The third-party vendor used to conduct this audit is Research Technical Services, Inc. (RTS). RTS will reach out to the designated Workers’ Compensation contact via email to initiate the scheduling of your entity’s audit. These audits may be conducted in person to review payroll records or can be completed remotely to collect the needed information.


PRIMA Institute Scholarship Deadline

8/3/2023 6:00 am

The deadline for submitting applications for the 2023 PRIMA Institute Scholarship is August 14. This scholarship is designed to provide financial assistance for qualified individuals to attend the 2023 PRIMA Institute Educational Program (PI23), to be held October 16-20 in New Orleans, Louisiana.