News & Information

2023 Risk & Insurance Symposium Topics

6/8/2023 7:10 am

We are less than three months away from Public Entity Partners’ Risk & Insurance Symposium, to be held Aug. 23-25 at the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs. This three-day event is open to all PE Partners members and agents.


Foster Joins PEP as East TN Casualty Consultant

6/8/2023 7:10 am

Public Entity Partners (PEP) is pleased to announce the addition of Michael Foster to our risk management team as the East Tennessee casualty loss control consultant. With an impressive background in public service, Michael brings invaluable expertise to our organization.


Bill Magoon: A Legacy of Service

6/8/2023 7:05 am

Bill Magoon recently retired from his position as Public Entity Partners’ (PEP’s) East Tennessee property conservation consultant. Both PEP and its members have benefitted from his expertise and unwavering commitment for an impressive 22 years. Bill consistently went the extra mile, embodying the values of member focus and exceptional service that PEP holds dear.


Flag Etiquette: How to Respect our National Symbol

6/8/2023 7:05 am

Most of Public Entity Partners’ members proudly display the American flag at their entities. A symbol of unity, pride and honor, the flag represents the ideals, values, history and people of our nation. It is important to treat the flag with respect and dignity.


PEP Accepting Nominations for Board of Directors

5/4/2023 7:30 am

Public Entity Partners’ Board of Directors is currently accepting nominations for two open Board seats. Elected officials or city administrators/managers affiliated with current Public Entity Partners members are eligible for nomination.


PEP & MTAS Partner on Risk Management Training

5/4/2023 7:25 am

Public Entity Partners is partnering with MTAS (Municipal Technical Advisory Service) to present a special virtual educational series on risk management for our members. Identifying, managing and mitigating risk is everyone’s responsibility. When these are effectively implemented and regularly applied, they can save your organization money.


Symposium Registration Now Open

5/4/2023 7:25 am

Registration is now open for Public Entity Partners’ 2023 Risk & Insurance Symposium, scheduled for Aug. 23 - 25 at the Cool Springs Marriott in Franklin. This three-day, in-person educational and networking event will provide attendees with courses aimed at local government risk management and emerging risk exposures.


PEP Partners with MTAS on Risk Management Training

5/4/2023 7:20 am

Public Entity Partners is partnering with MTAS (Municipal Technical Advisory Service) to present a special virtual educational series on risk management for our members. Identifying, managing and mitigating risk is everyone’s responsibility. When these are effectively implemented and regularly applied, they can save your organization money.


Driver Training Grant Recipient Steps Up

5/4/2023 7:15 am

Each fall, Public Entity Partners offers members who participate in our Automobile Liability Coverage the opportunity to apply for the James L. Richardson Driver Training Grant. This is a matching grant that members can use to offset the cost of driver safety-related items, such as instructor-led training, backup cameras, alarms, motor vehicle record checks and more.


Firefighter PTSD and Workers' Compensation Act

5/4/2023 7:00 am

On April 21, 2023, the General Assembly enacted the James “Dustin” Samples Act which creates a presumption that a PTSD diagnosis for a firefighter is an injury occurring in the course and scope of the firefighter’s performance and compensable under workers’ compensation law.