News & Information

Excellence in Risk Management TnPRIMA Scholarship

8/3/2023 5:55 am

The application for PEP’s “Excellence in Risk Management” TnPRIMA State Conference Scholarship will be available on PEP’s website from August 17 to September 21.


Risk & Insurance Symposium is Only Two Weeks Away

8/3/2023 5:50 am

The 2023 Risk & Insurance Symposium will be held August 23-25 at the Cool Springs Marriott Franklin. Be sure to join us for an insightful, educational and exciting week.


PEP Welcomes Kelley Wandell

8/3/2023 5:45 am

Public Entity Partners is pleased to welcome Kelley Wandell as our new East Tennessee Member Services Representative.


PEP to Host Supervisor Training in the Fall

7/13/2023 7:00 am

This fall, Public Entity Partners will be presenting a training series entitled Managing Risk Through Effective Supervision. This opportunity is designed specifically for first-line supervisors and their role in creating a culture of safety. Additional session topics will include the positive impact of effective communication and the importance of motivating your team through constructive leadership while also being a productive manager.


Excellence in Risk Management Nomination Deadline

7/13/2023 6:55 am

Each year at the Risk & Insurance Symposium, Public Entity Partners takes a moment to recognize an individual, department or organization that exemplifies excellence, innovation, and commitment to the risk and insurance field through the Excellence in Risk Management Awards.


PEP Welcomes Casey Dell

7/13/2023 6:50 am

Public Entity Partners is pleased to welcome Casey Dell, East Tennessee property conservation consultant, to our team. Most recently employed by the City of Chattanooga, Casey conducted property surveys as the environmental compliance and green infrastructure program coordinator.


Download the Risk & Insurance Symposium App

7/13/2023 6:45 am

We are less than two months away from Public Entity Partners’ Risk & Insurance Symposium, to be held Aug. 24-26 at the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs. This three-day event is open to all PE Partners members and agents.


Heat-Related Injuries

7/13/2023 6:35 am

Summer is here and so are the high temperatures that often accompany it. This is the ideal time to remind your employees of the safety precautions they can take to avoid heat-related illnesses.


PEP Board Nominations Due June 12th

6/8/2023 7:25 am

Public Entity Partners (PE Partners), a leading provider of insurance coverage and risk management services for municipal governments in Tennessee, has announced that nominations are now being accepted for two open seats on its Board of Directors. Elected officials or city administrators/managers affiliated with current PE Partners members are eligible for nomination.


Online Portal Makes Claims Easier

6/8/2023 7:20 am

Public Entity Partners is committed to providing the most complete and comprehensive way for members to manage claims and build a risk management program. We utilize Origami Risk, LLC as our online claims filing system through the PEP Member Portal.