Frozen Pipes and Water Damage
- Author | Halie Gallik
- 12/28/2022 8:00 am
Over the holiday weekend, many areas of Tennessee saw historically low freezing temperatures. For some members, the cold weather brought with it frozen pipes and water damage.
If your organization has already submitted a water damage claim due to frozen pipes and you have additional locations to report, please contact Danya Feinstein directly at instead of filing a claim through the online portal. Please include the address of the location, the date of the loss, and a brief description of the damage in your email.
One easy way to spot a frozen pipe is when you turn on a faucet and little or no water comes out. Any pipes located on an exterior wall are common areas susceptible to freezing temperatures. As the temperatures warms to above freezing, pipes that were frozen could start to leak. Public Entity Partners encourages you to inspect your facilities to limit any damage resulting from frozen pipes.
While you are waiting for the on-site adjuster to arrive, please be sure to:
- Turn off the water source to prevent further damage;
- Take pictures of damage and leaks;
- Begin the cleanup process as soon as possible; and
- Obtain estimates for all remediation and repair work.
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